Drugwatch, an organization dedicated to keeping families safe and sharing important health information. Roundup is a widely used herbicide that contains the active ingredient glyphosate, which is a non-selective herbicide, meaning it can harm both unwanted weeds and desirable plants alike. Numerous studies have been conducted to investigate its potential health effects, particularly its link to cancer and other health problems. This chemical also represents an issue for ecosystems and pollinators such as bees, monarch butterflies, and other beneficial insects. Our goal is to shed light on the topic of glyphosate and its potential health and environmental implications and with that in mind we have created a couple of free educational guides. Please check it out here: https://www.drugwatch.com/roundup/glyphosate/ https://www.drugwatch.com/legal/roundup-lawsuit/#ban_glyphosate
I believe our resources could complement the information you share with your community, and we would be honored if you could consider sharing them on your page, https://www.backyard-gardener.com/herb-gardening to help us spread awareness. Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon.