The compound which gives chilies their heat is called capsaicinoids, and higher concentrations make the plant more pungent. The heat is ranked on the “Scoville scale” which measures each pepper in Scoville heat units (SHU). Bell peppers are rated as 0 SHU while the world’s hottest pepper, the Carolina Reaper, is rated at 2,200,000 SHU. The Jalapeño ranges from 2,500 to 8,000 SHU.

Days to Sprout
Taste It for
Plant Health
8-20 weeks
Prefers warmer temperatures (70-85F).
Peppers require pollination. Flowers develop 4-6 weeks after sprouting. Remove the first set of flower buds that grow to encourage root and foliage development. When the next flowers appear, hand-pollinate them by gently shaking the entire plant to replicate the effects of wind, or gently disturb the inside of blossoms with your finger or a small brush.
These peppers require pruning. Snip away yellow or brown leaves if they appear, and trim branches to ensure the plant stays within the Gardyn’s light. Check the roots monthly and trim any that are brown or extending past the yPod.
Gardyn peppers are prolific producers, even if they show signs of Edema, a harmless disorder. Aphids are a common pest, but you can use our prevention and treatment tricks to keep pests at bay!
We suggest using our Plant Belt to support the plant and its heavy fruit as it matures.
Jalapeños can be harvested when they are firm, they will be about 3 inches long. When leaving them on the plant longer, they will continue to ripen and change color. Harvest by cutting off the plant.
This type of chile pepper originated in Mexico. The Spanish were the first Europeans to discover it in the New World, but the Portuguese did the most to bring it along their trade routes worldwide. Fun fact: Jalapeños were the first pepper to travel into space in 1982 on the Space Shuttle Columbia.
The compound which gives chilies their heat is called capsaicinoids, and higher concentrations make the plant more pungent. The heat is ranked on the “Scoville scale” which measures each pepper in Scoville heat units (SHU). Bell peppers are rated as 0 SHU while the world’s hottest pepper, the Carolina Reaper, is rated at 2,200,000 SHU. The Jalapeño ranges from 2,500 to 8,000 SHU.